Thursday, October 19, 2017

Slight holding pattern

It's mid-fall break. Today is (was?) deep-clean the house day. I deep-cleaned the bathroom and I did a lot of sorting but I'm fast running out of steam. (At least I dusted down the cobwebs from the walls where they had formed). I'm taking a few minutes to digest lunch (and maybe do a little more piano practice) and then I will attack things again.

Tomorrow I am going to Longview and meeting up with Laura and getting lunch and shopping for Christmas presents for people and probably breaking my yarn fast. Saturday, thus far, I am leaving totally open to stay home and relax (perhaps putting the binding on the quilt that's sat for nearly two weeks unbound).

The house was BAD. Part of the problem is: small older house with very limited storage and person with probably too much stuff - so I tend to pile stuff, and it is hard to clean around it some times.

And also, I think just being busy, and also I think all of the shocks and problems of last year (the budget cuts, the furlough days) kind of took away my motivation for some of that kind of stuff. (I won't go so far as to say I was "depressed," but my reaction was, on a low level, similar to what people experience - a lack of motivation to do stuff and less enjoyment of things you used to enjoy).

Also I wonder if the beta blocker just screws things up. I mean, I suppose it's good that I'm not blowing out little blood vessels and overtaxing my heart, but I can notice that when it comes to Getting (Stuff) Done, I am not quite so able to put in as full of full days as I once was, and I find a lot of the time when I get home I really just want to sit down for a while before I try to do anything else.

1 comment:

anita said...

Could be the beta blocker. I'm on hearts meds (no beta blocker, but still . . . ) and some days I just have no energy. I used to be able to work all day (two years ago, at 65), but now it's an hour and I'm done if I'm trying to anything outside or heavy cleaning. I hate having to pace myself, but I AM getting better at it.